Who we are
Kenisan Farms Limitedis a private ltd company registered in Kenya, over the years the company has developed quality and market focused products both for export and domestic market. This includes the cultivation, processing and marketing of French beans, Snow peas, sugar snaps, passion fruits, Mangoes, baby carrots and avocados. Kenisan Farms Limited operates in 3 different locations in Kenya, the main operations and head office is in Nairobi, the company runs out grower operations in Kiambu and Meru regions.
Our close proximity to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) – Nairobi, Kenya, coupled with our efficient team and good relations with our logistics partners have enabled us to meet and surpass clients’ expectations.
Our business model is to grow fresh produce mainly French beans, Snow peas, sugar snaps ,passion fruit, Mangoes, baby carrots and avocados for export and local market. We also have contracted farmers. The company provides input and extension support services to contracted farmers.

Our mission is to establish long term relationships with our customers, farmers and other trading partners through provision of a wide range of premium quality products that meet global food safety and quality standards, consistently and in a timely manner.
Our vision is to be a world renowned Organization for excellent standards in the production and distribution of premium products that meet global food safety and quality standards
Core Values
We only export premium quality and safe fruits and vegetables
Integrity and Accountability
We uphold the highest level of ethical behavior and honesty. We are fully responsible for our actions.
We ensure consistent supply of our full range of quality products.
We deliver high quality services throughout the value chain.
We acknowledge the importance of each stakeholder in the value chain and hold each relationship in high regard.
Our Products

We grow Hass avocado variety in Kenya. We pack our high quality avocado in both 4 kgs boxes and 10 kgs boxes. We can also customize our packing depending on the customer requirements. Avocados are a stone fruit with a creamy texture that grow in warm climates. Their potential health benefits include improving digestion, decreasing risk of depression, and protection against cancer. Avocados are a great source of vitamins C, E, K, and B-6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium. They also provide lutein, beta-carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Snow Peas
Their botanical name is “pisum sativum”. The snow pea is a legume , more specifically a variety of pea eaten whole in its pod while still unripe. Snow peas, along with sugar snap peas and unlike field and garden peas, are notable for having edible pods that lack inedible fiber in the pod walls. Snow peas have the thinner walls of the two edible pod variants. They are available all year round.

French Beans
Their botanical name is “phaseolus vulgaris” We export high quality French beans. They can be most super extra fine beans, extra fine beans, super fine beans and the fine beans. They are available almost all year round.

We pack high quality baby carrots and medium carrots. A baby carrot is a carrot harvested and eaten at a smaller size before reaching maturity. They are eaten both raw and cooked. They are available all year round.

Passion Fruits
Passion fruits are nearly round or oval fruits that are 1.5cm to 3cm wide and have a tough rind, are smooth and waxy. The fruit is eaten or used to make juice. We supply both yellow and purple passion fruits. They are available for supply all year round.

Sugar Snaps
They are of the species “pisum sativum”. The humble Sugar snap pea is not only an extremely popular vegetable due to its multitude of uses at meal times, but it is also exceptionally good for us, even when compared to many other healthy vegetables. Sugar Snap Peas differ from the English Peas slightly as they are less fibrous and can be eaten when young. They are available all year round.

Kenisan Farms Limited exports fresh and healthy Kenya mangos to the rest of the world. Our fresh Kenya mangos are sourced from smallholder famers. Kenya mangos stand tall among the best mangos in the world, making Kenya a key source of juicy and healthy mangos to the world’s leading mango markets.

have knowledge and experience in agronomy, post-harvest handling, market requirements and standards and other skills enabling them to carry out their management responsibilities.
Farm Agronomist
our Agronomy holds MSc in Agronomy with experience in crop production, orchard management and market standards. He handles all agronomical roles at the company farms and also at our out grower farms.
Pack house Manager
Our Pack house manager is a Food Science and Technology specialist. He makes sure all products are processed in a timely manner and all exceeds customers’ safety and quality requirements.
Technical and Food safety Manager
our Technical and food safety Manager is a Food Science and Technology specialist. He ensures all products processed meet food safety and quality standards.
Commercial Manager
our commercial manager makes sure that he communicates frequently with all the clients and gives them timely orders updates. He makes sure that all the orders placed by customers are supplied in full and in a timely manner.